Package details
Package | qt5-qtbase |
Version | 5.15.6_git20221010-r0 |
Description | Qt5 - QtBase components |
Project | |
License | LGPL-2.1-only AND LGPL-3.0-only AND GPL-3.0-only AND Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 |
Branch | v3.17 |
Repository | community |
Architecture | x86_64 |
Size | 3.1MiB |
Installed size | 8.8MiB |
Origin | qt5-qtbase |
Maintainer | Bart Ribbers |
Build time | 2022-10-26 05:46:56 |
Commit | 7debf61fda92dd092ec608cffd1d6de959262ca7 | Merge request | N/A |
Git repository | Git repository |
Build log | Build log |
Contents | Contents of package |
Depends (13)
Required by (721)
- accounts-qml-module
- adwaita-qt
- akonadi
- akonadi-calendar
- akonadi-calendar-tools
- akonadi-contacts
- akonadi-import-wizard
- akonadi-mime
- akonadi-notes
- akonadi-search
- akonadiconsole
- akregator
- alkimia
- alligator
- amazfish
- analitza
- angelfish
- apitrace
- appstream-qt
- ark
- artikulate
- attica
- audacious
- audacious-plugins
- audiocd-kio
- audiotube
- aura-browser
- baloo
- baloo-widgets
- bitcoin-qt
- bitcoin-tests
- blinken
- bluedevil
- bluez-qt
- bovo
- breeze
- buho
- calamares
- calamares-extensions-mod-mobile
- calamares-mod-finished
- calamares-mod-fsresizer
- calamares-mod-hostinfo
- calamares-mod-interactiveterminal
- calamares-mod-keyboard
- calamares-mod-keyboardq
- calamares-mod-locale
- calamares-mod-localeq
- calamares-mod-luksbootkeyfile
- calamares-mod-machineid
- calamares-mod-netinstall
- calamares-mod-notesqml
- calamares-mod-oemid
- calamares-mod-packagechooser
- calamares-mod-partition
- calamares-mod-plasmalnf
- calamares-mod-preservefiles
- calamares-mod-removeuser
- calamares-mod-shellprocess
- calamares-mod-summary
- calamares-mod-users
- calamares-mod-webview
- calamares-mod-welcome
- calamares-mod-welcomeq
- calendarsupport
- calindori
- calligra
- cantor
- carla
- cervisia
- choqok
- clip
- communicator
- confclerk
- cool-retro-term
- coreaction
- corearchiver
- corefm
- coregarage
- corehunt
- coreimage
- coreinfo
- corekeyboard
- corepad
- corepaint
- corepdf
- corepins
- corerenamer
- coreshot
- corestats
- corestuff
- coretime
- coretoppings
- coreuniverse
- cutecom
- digikam
- discover
- discover-backend-apk
- discover-backend-flatpak
- discover-backend-fwupd
- dolphin
- dolphin-plugins
- dragon
- drkonqi
- elisa
- eventviews
- falkon
- ffmpegthumbs
- filelight
- frameworkintegration
- freeciv-client-qt
- gammaray
- gcompris-qt
- granatier
- grantlee
- grantlee-editor
- grantleetheme
- gst-plugins-good-qt
- gwenview
- haruna
- hfd-service
- hydrogen
- ikona
- incidenceeditor
- index
- isoimagewriter
- itinerary
- jreen
- juk
- k3b
- kaccounts-integration
- kaccounts-providers
- kactivities
- kactivities-libs
- kactivities-stats
- kactivitymanagerd
- kaddressbook
- kaidan
- kalarm
- kalendar
- kalgebra
- kalk
- kalzium
- kamera
- kamoso
- kanagram
- kapman
- kapptemplate
- karchive
- kasts
- kasync
- kate
- kate-common
- katomic
- kauth
- kbackup
- kblackbox
- kblocks
- kbookmarks
- kbounce
- kbreakout
- kbruch
- kcachegrind
- kcalc
- kcalendarcore
- kcalutils
- kcharselect
- kclock
- kcmutils
- kcodecs
- kcolorchooser
- kcolorpicker
- kcompletion
- kconfig
- kconfigwidgets
- kcontacts
- kcoreaddons
- kcrash
- kcron
- kdav
- kdav2
- kdb
- kdb-mysql
- kdb-postgresql
- kdb-sqlite
- kdbusaddons
- kde-cli-tools
- kde-dev-utils
- kde-gtk-config
- kdebugsettings
- kdeclarative
- kdeconnect
- kdecoration
- kded
- kdegraphics-mobipocket
- kdegraphics-thumbnailers
- kdelibs4support
- kdelibs4support-dev
- kdenetwork-filesharing
- kdenlive
- kdepim-addons
- kdepim-runtime
- kdeplasma-addons
- kdesdk-kio
- kdesdk-thumbnailers
- kdesignerplugin
- kdesu
- kdevelop
- kdf
- kdiagram
- kdialog
- kdiamond
- kdiff3
- kdnssd
- kdoctools
- kdsoap
- keditbookmarks
- keepassxc
- keepassxc-autotype
- kemoticons
- keysmith
- kfilemetadata
- kfind
- kfloppy
- kfourinline
- kgamma5
- kgeography
- kgeotag
- kget
- kglobalaccel
- kgoldrunner
- kgpg
- kguiaddons
- khangman
- khealthcertificate
- khelpcenter
- kholidays
- khotkeys
- khtml
- ki18n
- kiconthemes
- kid3
- kidentitymanagement
- kidletime
- kig
- kigo
- kile
- killbots
- kimageannotator
- kimageformats
- kimagemapeditor
- kimap
- kimap2
- kinfocenter
- kinit
- kio
- kio-extras
- kio-fuse
- kio-gdrive
- kio-kwallet
- kio-zeroconf
- kipi-plugins
- kirigami-addons
- kirigami-gallery
- kirigami2
- kirigami2-libs
- kiriki
- kitemmodels
- kitemviews
- kiten
- kitinerary
- kiwix-desktop
- kjobwidgets
- kjs
- kjsembed
- kjumpingcube
- kldap
- kleopatra
- klettres
- klickety
- klines
- kmag
- kmail
- kmail-account-wizard
- kmailtransport
- kmbox
- kmediaplayer
- kmenuedit
- kmime
- kmix
- kmousetool
- kmouth
- kmplot
- kmymoney
- knavalbattle
- knetattach
- knetwalk
- knewstuff
- knights
- knotes
- knotifications
- knotifyconfig
- koko
- kolf
- kollision
- kolourpaint
- kompare
- kongress
- konqueror
- konsole
- kontact
- kontactinterface
- kontrast
- konversation
- kookbook
- kookbook-touch
- kopeninghours
- kopete
- korganizer
- kosmindoormap
- kpackage
- kparts
- kpat
- kpeople
- kpeoplesink
- kpeoplevcard
- kphotoalbum
- kpimtextedit
- kpipewire
- kpkpass
- kplotting
- kpmcore
- kpty
- kpublictransport
- kquickcharts
- kquickimageeditor
- krdc
- krecorder
- krename
- krfb
- krita
- krita-python
- kronometer
- kross
- kruler
- krunner
- krusader
- ksanecore
- kscreen
- kscreenlocker
- kservice
- ksmtp
- ksshaskpass
- ksysguard
- ksystemstats
- kteatime
- ktexteditor
- ktextwidgets
- ktimer
- ktimetracker
- ktnef
- ktorrent
- ktouch
- ktp-common-internals
- ktrip
- kturtle
- kunitconversion
- kup
- kuserfeedback
- kvantum
- kwallet
- kwalletmanager
- kwave
- kwave-libs
- kwayland
- kwayland-integration
- kweather
- kweathercore
- kwidgetsaddons
- kwin
- kwindowsystem
- kwordquiz
- kwrite
- kwrited
- kxmlgui
- kxmlrpcclient
- latte-dock
- layer-shell-qt
- libaccounts-qt
- libapk-qt
- libarchive-qt
- libconnman-qt
- libcontacts
- libcprime
- libcsys
- libdbusmenu-qt
- libfm-qt
- libgravatar
- libiodata
- libkcddb
- libkcompactdisc
- libkdcraw
- libkdegames
- libkdepim
- libkeduvocdocument
- libkexiv2
- libkgapi
- libkipi
- libkleo
- libkmahjongg
- libkomparediff2
- libksane
- libkscreen
- libksieve
- libksysguard
- libktorrent
- liblxqt
- libmce-qt
- libmlocale
- libngf-qt
- libofono-qt
- libportal-qt5
- libqaccessibilityclient
- libqca
- libqtolm
- libqtxdg
- libquazip1-qt5
- libquotient
- libreoffice-kf5
- libreoffice-qt5
- libresourceqt
- libsysstat
- libusb-moded-qt
- libzbarqt
- lightdm-qt5
- lokalize
- lximage-qt
- lxqt-about
- lxqt-admin
- lxqt-archiver
- lxqt-config
- lxqt-globalkeys
- lxqt-notificationd
- lxqt-openssh-askpass
- lxqt-panel
- lxqt-policykit
- lxqt-powermanagement
- lxqt-qtplugin
- lxqt-runner
- lxqt-session
- lxqt-sudo
- mailcommon
- mailimporter
- maliit-framework
- maliit-keyboard
- mapbox-gl-qml
- maplibre-gl-native
- mapplauncherd-booster-qtcomponents
- mapplauncherd-qt
- marble
- massif-visualizer
- mauikit
- mauikit-accounts
- mauikit-filebrowsing
- mauikit-imagetools
- mauikit-texteditor
- mauiman
- messagelib
- milou
- minuet
- mkcal
- mkcal-tools
- mlite
- mlt
- modemmanager-qt
- moment
- mumble
- murmur
- musescore
- mycroft-gui
- mycroft-plasmoid
- namecoin-qt
- namecoin-tests
- nemo-keepalive
- nemo-qml-plugin-calendar
- nemo-qml-plugin-configuration
- nemo-qml-plugin-dbus
- nemo-qml-plugin-devicelock
- nemo-qml-plugin-models
- nemo-qml-plugin-systemsettings
- nemo-qml-plugin-time
- neochat
- networkmanager-qt
- nextcloud-client
- nextcloud-client-dolphin
- nheko
- nitrokey-app
- nota
- nvui
- nymphcast-client
- obconf-qt
- octave
- ofono-phonesim
- okteta
- okular
- okular-common
- okular-common-qml
- okular-mobile
- openal-soft-dev
- opencv
- openimageio-tools
- openmw
- openrgb
- osl
- osmscout-server
- oxygen
- parley
- partitionmanager
- pavucontrol-qt
- pcmanfm-qt
- peruse
- peruse-creator
- phonon
- phonon-backend-gstreamer
- pimcommon
- pinentry-qt
- pix
- plank-player
- plasma-applet-weather-widget
- plasma-bigscreen
- plasma-browser-integration
- plasma-camera
- plasma-desktop
- plasma-dialer
- plasma-disks
- plasma-firewall
- plasma-framework
- plasma-integration
- plasma-mobile
- plasma-nano
- plasma-nm
- plasma-nm-mobile
- plasma-pa
- plasma-pass
- plasma-phonebook
- plasma-remotecontrollers
- plasma-sdk
- plasma-settings
- plasma-systemmonitor
- plasma-thunderbolt
- plasma-vault
- plasma-videoplayer
- plasma-workspace
- plasma-workspace-libs
- plasmatube
- plymouth-kcm
- polkit-kde-agent-1
- polkit-qt-1
- poppler-qt5
- powerdevil
- powerdevil-libs
- poxml
- print-manager
- prison
- pulseaudio-qt
- pure-maps
- purpose
- py3-pyotherside
- py3-pyside2
- py3-qscintilla
- py3-qt5
- py3-qtwebengine
- qbs
- qca
- qcam
- qcoro
- qextserialport
- qgpgme
- qimgv
- qimgv-mpv
- qjson
- qmenumodel
- qml-module-clipboard
- qmlkonsole
- qmlrunner
- qmltermwidget
- qps
- qqc2-breeze-style
- qqc2-desktop-style
- qrca
- qscintilla
- qscintilla-designer
- qt5-assistant
- qt5-qdbusviewer
- qt5-qt3d
- qt5-qtbase-dev
- qt5-qtbase-mysql
- qt5-qtbase-odbc
- qt5-qtbase-postgresql
- qt5-qtbase-sqlite
- qt5-qtbase-tds
- qt5-qtbase-x11
- qt5-qtcharts
- qt5-qtconnectivity
- qt5-qtdatavis3d
- qt5-qtdeclarative
- qt5-qtdeclarative-dev
- qt5-qtfeedback
- qt5-qtgamepad
- qt5-qtgraphicaleffects
- qt5-qtimageformats
- qt5-qtkeychain
- qt5-qtlocation
- qt5-qtlottie
- qt5-qtmultimedia
- qt5-qtnetworkauth
- qt5-qtpim
- qt5-qtpurchasing
- qt5-qtquick3d
- qt5-qtquickcontrols
- qt5-qtquickcontrols2
- qt5-qtquicktimeline
- qt5-qtremoteobjects
- qt5-qtscript
- qt5-qtscxml
- qt5-qtsensors
- qt5-qtserialbus
- qt5-qtserialport
- qt5-qtspeech
- qt5-qtsvg
- qt5-qtsystems
- qt5-qttools
- qt5-qttools-dev
- qt5-qtusb
- qt5-qtvirtualkeyboard
- qt5-qtwayland
- qt5-qtwebchannel
- qt5-qtwebengine
- qt5-qtwebglplugin
- qt5-qtwebsockets
- qt5-qtwebview
- qt5-qtx11extras
- qt5-qtxmlpatterns
- qtcontacts-sqlite
- qterminal
- qtermwidget
- qtmpris
- qtposition_gpsd
- qtxdg-tools
- quassel-client
- quassel-core
- quassel-libs-client
- quassel-libs-common
- quassel-libs-core
- quassel-libs-qtui
- quassel-libs-uisupport
- quassel-mono
- quaternion
- qutebrowser
- qv4l2
- qvidcap
- qxmpp
- rattlesnake
- retroarch
- rkward
- rocs
- rsibreak
- ruqola
- savvycan
- screengrab
- scribus
- sddm
- sddm-kcm
- sensorfw
- shelf
- shiboken2
- shotcut
- sierrabreezeenhanced
- signon-plugin-oauth2
- signon-ui
- signond
- sink
- sioyek
- skanlite
- solid
- solid-libs
- sonnet
- spacebar
- spectacle
- sqlitebrowser
- station
- stellarium
- step
- subtitlecomposer
- suil
- sweeper
- syndication
- syntax-highlighting
- systemsettings
- telepathy-ofono
- telepathy-qt
- telly-skout
- threadweaver
- tikzit
- timed
- tokodon
- umbrello
- user-managerd
- vakzination
- vlc-qt
- vvave
- wacomtablet
- waydroid-sensors
- wpa_gui
- wxwidgets-qt5
- xca
- xdg-desktop-portal-kde
- xpdf
- yakuake
- yubikey-manager-qt
- yubioath-desktop
- zanshin