Package details
Package | kcoreaddons |
Version | 6.10.0-r0 |
Description | Addons to QtCore |
Project | |
License | LGPL-2.0-or-later AND (LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only) |
Branch | edge |
Repository | community |
Architecture | ppc64le |
Size | 469.1KiB |
Installed size | 1.5MiB |
Origin | kcoreaddons |
Maintainer | team/kde |
Build time | 2025-01-12 11:29:12 |
Commit | 6b28ff2abbf059231f38bc3ba4154bb62f4de7ee | Merge request | 78295 |
Git repository | Git repository |
Build log | Build log |
Issues | Open packaging issues |
Contents | Contents of package |
Depends (8)
Required by (246)
- alligator
- ark
- atlantik
- audiocd-kio
- audiotube
- baloo
- baloo-widgets
- blinken
- bluedevil
- bovo
- breeze
- calindori
- clip
- communicator
- discover
- discover-backend-apk
- discover-backend-flatpak
- dolphin
- dolphin-plugins
- dragon
- drkonqi
- elisa
- fcitx5-configtool
- ffmpegthumbs
- filelight
- flatpak-kcm
- francis
- granatier
- grantleetheme
- haruna
- isoimagewriter
- juk
- k3b
- kactivitymanagerd
- kalgebra
- kalk
- kalzium
- kamera
- kanagram
- kapman
- kapptemplate
- kasts
- kate
- kate-common
- katomic
- kauth
- kbackup
- kblackbox
- kblocks
- kbookmarks
- kbounce
- kbreakout
- kbruch
- kcachegrind
- kcalc
- kcalutils
- kcharselect
- kclock
- kcmutils
- kcolorchooser
- kconfigwidgets
- kcontacts
- kcoreaddons-dev
- kcrash
- kcron
- kdav
- kde-cli-tools
- kde-dev-utils
- kde-gtk-config
- kde-inotify-survey
- kdebugsettings
- kdeconnect
- kded
- kdegraphics-thumbnailers
- kdenetwork-filesharing
- kdeplasma-addons
- kdesdk-kio
- kdesdk-thumbnailers
- kdesu
- kdf
- kdialog
- kdiamond
- kdiff3
- keditbookmarks
- keysmith
- kfilemetadata
- kfind
- kfourinline
- kgamma
- kgeography
- kget
- kglobalacceld
- kgoldrunner
- kgraphviewer
- khangman
- kidentitymanagement
- kigo
- killbots
- kimap
- kinfocenter
- kio
- kio-admin
- kio-extras
- kio-fuse
- kio-kwallet
- kio-zeroconf
- kirigami-addons
- kiriki
- kiten
- kjobwidgets
- kjumpingcube
- kldap
- kleopatra
- klettres
- klickety
- klines
- kmag
- kmenuedit
- kmix
- kmousetool
- kmouth
- kmplot
- knavalbattle
- knetattach
- knetwalk
- knewstuff
- knights
- kodaskanna
- kolf
- kollision
- kolourpaint
- kommit
- kompare
- kongress
- konsole
- kontactinterface
- kontrast
- konversation
- kpackage
- kparts
- kpat
- kpeople
- kpimtextedit
- kpipewire
- kpmcore
- kpty
- krdc
- krecorder
- krfb
- kruler
- krunner
- krusader
- kscreen
- kscreenlocker
- kservice
- ksirk
- ksmtp
- ksshaskpass
- ksvg
- ksystemlog
- ksystemstats
- kteatime
- ktexteditor
- ktimer
- ktrip
- kturtle
- kunifiedpush
- kup
- kwallet
- kwallet-bin
- kwalletmanager
- kwave
- kwave-libs
- kweather
- kwin
- kwordquiz
- kwrite
- kwrited
- kxmlgui
- libkcddb
- libkdegames
- libkeduvocdocument
- libkleo
- libkmahjongg
- libkomparediff2
- libksysguard
- libktorrent
- libplasma
- lokalize
- marknote
- massif-visualizer
- mauikit
- mauikit-accounts
- mauikit-archiver
- mauikit-documents
- mauikit-filebrowsing
- mauikit-terminal
- mauikit-texteditor
- minuet
- oxygen
- partitionmanager
- plasma-activities
- plasma-browser-integration
- plasma-camera
- plasma-desktop
- plasma-dialer
- plasma-disks
- plasma-firewall
- plasma-integration
- plasma-mobile
- plasma-nm
- plasma-pa
- plasma-pass
- plasma-phonebook
- plasma-sdk
- plasma-settings
- plasma-systemmonitor
- plasma-thunderbolt
- plasma-vault
- plasma-workspace
- plasma-workspace-libs
- plasma5support
- plasmatube
- plymouth-kcm
- polkit-kde-agent-1
- powerdevil
- powerdevil-libs
- print-manager
- purpose
- qmlkonsole
- sddm-kcm
- shelf
- sierrabreezeenhanced
- skanlite
- skladnik
- spacebar
- station
- step
- subtitlecomposer
- sweeper
- systemsettings
- telly-skout
- wacomtablet
- xdg-desktop-portal-kde
- xwaylandvideobridge
- yakuake