Package details
Package | pango |
Version | 1.54.0-r1 |
Description | library for layout and rendering of text |
Project | |
License | LGPL-2.1-or-later |
Branch | edge |
Repository | main |
Architecture | ppc64le |
Size | 268.7KiB |
Installed size | 844.0KiB |
Origin | pango |
Maintainer | Simon Zeni |
Build time | 2024-10-05 12:41:08 |
Commit | 398a5aee3025ec8a4d0d761e448dc86ac777fa09 | Merge request | 66689 |
Git repository | Git repository |
Build log | Build log |
Contents | Contents of package |
Depends (13)
Required by (360)
- R
- abiword
- amberol
- appstream-compose
- appstream-glib-builder
- awesome
- ayatana-ido
- ayatana-indicator-application
- bananui
- baobab
- bemenu
- blackbox-terminal
- bluefish
- brasero
- cagebreak
- caja
- celluloid
- chatty
- cherrytree
- clapper
- claws-mail
- claws-mail-plugins-managesieve
- claws-mail-plugins-vcalendar
- clipit
- clutter
- cogl
- compiz
- conky
- darktable
- deadbeef
- deja-dup
- delfin
- devhelp
- dissent
- droidcam-gui
- duc
- dunst
- e16
- easyeffects
- eboard
- elementary-photos
- emacs-gtk3
- emacs-gtk3-nativecomp
- emacs-pgtk
- emacs-pgtk-nativecomp
- endeavour
- engrampa
- epiphany
- evince
- evince-libs
- evolution
- evolution-data-server
- evolution-ews
- fcitx5
- fcitx5-gtk3
- fcitx5-gtk4
- file-roller
- firefox
- firefox-esr
- flare
- font-manager
- font-manager-common
- fontforge-gui
- fractal
- freeciv-client-gtk3
- freeciv-client-gtk4
- g3k
- g4music
- gajim
- gajim-lang
- gajim-pyc
- galculator
- gcr-base
- gcr4
- geany
- geany-plugins-geanyminiscript
- geany-plugins-geanyprj
- geany-plugins-projectorganizer
- geany-plugins-utils
- geary
- gedit
- geeqie
- gegl
- geopard
- ghex
- gimp
- girara
- gitg
- glade
- glycin-loaders
- gnome-2048
- gnome-applets
- gnome-calendar
- gnome-chess
- gnome-console
- gnome-contacts
- gnome-control-center
- gnome-disk-utility
- gnome-flashback
- gnome-font-viewer
- gnome-initial-setup
- gnome-maps
- gnome-panel
- gnome-power-manager
- gnome-settings-daemon
- gnome-shell
- gnome-shortwave
- gnome-software
- gnome-sudoku
- gnome-system-monitor
- gnome-terminal
- gnome-text-editor
- gnome-usage
- gnote
- gnucash
- gnumeric
- gnuplot
- goffice
- gpick
- granite
- graphviz
- greetd-mini-wl-greeter
- greetd-regreet
- grip
- gspell
- gst-plugins-bad
- gst-plugins-base
- gst-plugins-rs-rsclosedcaption
- gst-plugins-rs-rsonvif
- gthumb
- gthumb-gstreamer
- gtk+2.0
- gtk+2.0-dev
- gtk+3.0
- gtk+3.0-demo
- gtk-murrine-engine
- gtk4.0
- gtk4.0-demo
- gtk4.0-dev
- gtksourceview
- gtksourceview4
- gtksourceview5
- gtkwave
- guacamole-dotool
- guacamole-server-libs
- gucharmap
- gvim
- handbrake-gtk
- hexchat
- hikari
- hime
- hime-chewing
- hime-gtk3
- homebank
- hopalong
- hypnotix
- hyprland
- i3wm
- ibus
- ibus-gtk2
- ibus-gtk3
- ibus-gtk4
- imagemagick-pango
- imv
- imv-wayland
- imv-x11
- iwgtk
- jgmenu
- jwm
- kooha
- labwc
- lasem
- libadwaita
- libchamplain
- libdazzle
- libdbusmenu-gtk3
- libdecor
- libfm
- libgdiplus
- libgedit-gtksourceview
- libgedit-tepl
- libgnomekbd
- libhandy1
- libido3
- libinkscape_base
- libmatekbd
- libphosh
- librewolf
- librrd
- librsvg
- libsexy
- libshumate
- libspelling
- libwnck3
- liferea
- lxdm
- lxterminal
- mako
- marco
- mate-applets
- mate-calc
- mate-control-center
- mate-media
- mate-panel
- mate-power-manager
- mate-screensaver
- mate-system-monitor
- mate-terminal
- mate-utils
- metacity
- mlt
- mousepad
- mutter
- nautilus
- netsurf
- network-manager-applet
- newsflash
- nfoview
- niri
- nkk
- notification-daemon
- nwg-bar
- nwg-dock
- ocaml-lablgtk3
- odio-edit
- openbox-libs
- orage
- osmo
- pango-dev
- pango-tools
- pangomm
- pangomm2.46
- papers
- papers-libs
- parcellite
- pcmanfm
- peanutbutter
- peek
- pekwm
- perl-gtk2
- perl-pango
- phosh
- phosh-osk-stub
- pidgin
- pidif
- pipeline
- planner
- plplot-libs
- pluma
- plymouth
- pspp
- psst
- ptyxis
- putty
- qalculate-gtk
- qt5-qtbase-x11
- qt6-qtbase-x11
- qtile
- qtile-pyc
- racksdb
- racksdb-pyc
- railway
- remmina
- rhythmbox
- ripdrag
- ristretto
- rofi
- rofi-wayland
- roxterm
- rsvg-convert
- ruby-mathematical
- runst
- sakura
- sdl2_pango
- sfwbar
- sgt-puzzles
- shotwell
- showmethekey
- slick-greeter
- smooth
- somebar
- sound-juicer
- spacefm
- squeekboard
- stardict
- starfighter
- suggpicker
- sushi
- swappy
- sway
- swaybar
- swaynag
- swaync
- sxmo-dwm
- sylpheed
- sysprof
- tabby
- tecla
- tepl
- thunar
- thunar-vcs-plugin
- thunar-volman
- thunderbird
- tilda
- tint2
- tofi
- totem
- transmission-remote-gtk
- tuba
- tuxpaint
- vice
- vips
- virt-viewer
- vte3
- vte3-gtk4
- wayfire
- wayout
- wcm
- wdisplays
- weasyprint
- weasyprint-pyc
- webkit2gtk-4.1
- webkit2gtk-6.0
- wesnoth
- weston
- weston-backend-headless
- weston-backend-wayland
- weston-clients
- weston-terminal
- weston-xwayland
- wmenu
- wofi
- wshowkeys
- wt
- wvkbd
- wxwidgets-gtk3
- xapp
- xboard
- xed
- xfce4-cpufreq-plugin
- xfce4-genmon-plugin
- xfce4-notes-plugin
- xfce4-panel
- xfce4-power-manager
- xfce4-screensaver
- xfce4-screenshooter
- xfce4-sensors-plugin
- xfce4-session
- xfce4-settings
- xfce4-terminal
- xfce4-weather-plugin
- xfce4-xkb-plugin
- xfdashboard
- xfdesktop
- xfwm4
- xournalpp
- xpad
- yad
- zathura
- zenity