Package details
Package | sqlite-libs |
Version | 3.45.3-r1 |
Description | C library that implements an SQL database engine (libraries) |
Project | |
License | blessing |
Branch | v3.20 |
Repository | main |
Architecture | s390x |
Size | 829.6KiB |
Installed size | 1.6MiB |
Origin | sqlite |
Maintainer | Celeste |
Build time | 2024-05-20 08:25:59 |
Commit | 4dd994258db13f6a78ebbbf7c6f3f47b5b3704c4 | Merge request | 66242 |
Git repository | Git repository |
Build log | Build log |
Contents | Contents of package |
Depends (1)
Required by (191)
- althttpd-utils
- aparte
- apr-util-dbd_sqlite3
- aria2
- asterisk
- asterisk-chan-dongle
- axc
- azorius
- bacula-sqlite
- biboumi
- bitcoin
- bitcoin-bench
- bitcoin-qt
- bitcoin-tests
- bogofilter
- botan-libs
- botan3-libs
- bzrtp
- ceph17
- ceph17-mgr
- ceph17-radosgw
- ceph17-utils
- ceph18
- ceph18-mgr
- ceph18-radosgw
- ceph18-utils
- charybdis
- colord
- coturn
- cowsql
- cvechecker
- cyrus-sasl-sql
- dendrite
- domoticz
- dovecot-fts-xapian
- dovecot-sqlite
- dqlite
- drone
- duperemove
- ejabberd
- emacs-gtk3
- emacs-gtk3-nativecomp
- emacs-nox
- emacs-pgtk
- emacs-pgtk-nativecomp
- emacs-x11
- emacs-x11-nativecomp
- epiphany
- evolution
- evolution-data-server
- exim-sqlite
- fdupes
- filezilla
- font-manager
- font-manager-common
- font-viewer
- freeciv-client-gtk3
- freeciv-client-qt
- freeciv-server
- freeradius-sqlite
- freeswitch
- gdal
- gdal-driver-vfk
- geary
- gnome-authenticator
- gnome-podcasts
- gnome-shortwave
- gnupg-keyboxd
- gogs
- gom
- gomuks
- gonic
- gpg
- grafana
- heimdal-libs
- hermes
- ibus-libpinyin
- incus
- incus-utils
- inspircd
- jimtcl-sqlite3
- kamailio-sqlite
- kdb-sqlite
- ktoblzcheck
- kyua
- libaccounts-glib
- libchamplain
- libchewing
- libdbi-drivers
- libgpod
- libomemo
- libshumate
- libsoup
- libsoup3
- libspatialite
- libtracker
- libzeitgeist
- liferea
- lighttpd-mod_webdav
- lnav
- logbookd
- lua5.1-dbi-sqlite3
- lua5.1-lsqlite3
- lua5.1-sql-sqlite3
- lua5.1-sqlite
- lua5.2-dbi-sqlite3
- lua5.2-lsqlite3
- lua5.2-sql-sqlite3
- lua5.2-sqlite
- lua5.3-dbi-sqlite3
- lua5.3-lsqlite3
- lua5.3-sql-sqlite3
- lua5.3-sqlite
- lua5.4-dbi-sqlite3
- lua5.4-lsqlite3
- lua5.4-sql-sqlite3
- lua5.4-sqlite
- lxd
- lxd-scripts
- mautrix-whatsapp
- mcfly
- minetest
- minetest-server
- minidlna
- mkcal
- navidrome
- nemu
- newsboat
- newsraft
- nfs-utils
- nmail
- nss
- ntfy
- opencpn
- opendbx-backend-sqlite
- opensmtpd-table-sqlite
- perl-dbd-sqlite
- php82-pdo_sqlite
- php82-pecl-swoole
- php82-sqlite3
- php83-pdo_sqlite
- php83-pecl-swoole
- php83-sqlite3
- pike-sqlite
- pmacct
- poco
- postfix-sqlite
- postsrsd
- presage
- profanity
- proftpd-mod_sql_sqlite
- proj
- py3-peewee
- python3
- qt5-qtbase-sqlite
- qt6-qtbase-sqlite
- read-it-later
- redland
- rpm
- rqlite
- rspamd
- rspamd-libs
- shotwell
- sleuthkit-libs
- softhsm
- soju
- soju-utils
- sqlite-dev
- sqlite-tcl
- sqlite-tools
- sqlitebrowser
- strawberry
- strongswan
- subversion-libs
- telepathy-logger
- tracker
- ulogd-sqlite3
- util-linux
- vnstat
- webkit2gtk
- webkit2gtk-4.1
- webkit2gtk-6.0
- wpewebkit
- writefreely
- wt
- xfce4-notifyd
- yelp
- zabbix-agent2
- zabbix-sqlite
- zathura
- zeitgeist