Package details
Package | fontconfig |
Version | 2.14.2-r3 |
Description | Library for configuring and customizing font access |
Project | |
License | MIT |
Branch | v3.18 |
Repository | main |
Architecture | s390x |
Size | 170.1KiB |
Installed size | 724.0KiB |
Origin | fontconfig |
Maintainer | Natanael Copa |
Build time | 2023-04-19 14:15:54 |
Commit | e6f07a0f7ed8fbd7152d7ac7898754d6af174c98 | Merge request | N/A |
Git repository | Git repository |
Build log | Build log |
Issues | Open packaging issues |
Contents | Contents of package |
Required by (290)
- abiword
- appstream-compose
- appstream-glib-builder
- cagebreak
- cairo
- clutter
- conky
- cups-filters
- dmenu
- dwm
- fbida-fbi
- fcft
- ffmpeg-libavfilter
- fltk-fluid
- fluxbox
- fnott
- font-adobe-100dpi
- font-adobe-75dpi
- font-adobe-utopia-100dpi
- font-adobe-utopia-75dpi
- font-adobe-utopia-type1
- font-anonymous-pro-nerd
- font-arabic-misc
- font-arimo-nerd
- font-awesome-brands
- font-awesome-free
- font-bakoma-otf
- font-bakoma-ttf
- font-bh-100dpi
- font-bh-75dpi
- font-bitstream-100dpi
- font-bitstream-75dpi
- font-bitstream-type1
- font-bitstream-vera-sans-mono-nerd
- font-carlito
- font-cascadia-code-nerd
- font-cronyx-cyrillic
- font-cursor-misc
- font-dec-misc
- font-dejavu
- font-dejavu-sans-mono-nerd
- font-droid
- font-droid-nonlatin
- font-droid-sans-mono-nerd
- font-fira-code-nerd
- font-fira-mono-nerd
- font-freefont
- font-go-mono-nerd
- font-hack
- font-hack-nerd
- font-hasklig-nerd
- font-hermit-nerd
- font-ia-writer-nerd
- font-ibm-plex-mono-nerd
- font-ibm-type1
- font-inconsolata
- font-inconsolata-nerd
- font-iosevka-aile
- font-iosevka-base
- font-iosevka-curly
- font-iosevka-curly-slab
- font-iosevka-slab
- font-ipa
- font-ipaex
- font-isas-misc
- font-jetbrains-mono
- font-jetbrains-mono-nerd
- font-jetbrains-mono-nl
- font-jetbrains-mono-vf
- font-jis-misc
- font-liberation
- font-liberation-mono-nerd
- font-liberation-sans-narrow
- font-linux-libertine
- font-manager-common
- font-meslo-nerd
- font-micro-misc
- font-misc-cyrillic
- font-misc-ethiopic
- font-misc-misc
- font-monofur-nerd
- font-mononoki
- font-mononoki-nerd
- font-mutt-misc
- font-noto
- font-noto-adlam
- font-noto-ahom
- font-noto-arabic
- font-noto-armenian
- font-noto-balinese
- font-noto-bamum
- font-noto-bassa-vah
- font-noto-batak
- font-noto-bengali
- font-noto-buginese
- font-noto-buhid
- font-noto-canadian-aboriginal
- font-noto-chakma
- font-noto-cham
- font-noto-cherokee
- font-noto-chorasmian
- font-noto-cjk
- font-noto-cjk-extra
- font-noto-coptic
- font-noto-cypro-minoan
- font-noto-devanagari
- font-noto-dives-akuru
- font-noto-duployan
- font-noto-elbasan
- font-noto-ethiopic
- font-noto-fangsong
- font-noto-georgian
- font-noto-grantha
- font-noto-gujarati
- font-noto-gunjala-gondi
- font-noto-gurmukhi
- font-noto-hanifi-rohingya
- font-noto-hanunoo
- font-noto-hebrew
- font-noto-historical
- font-noto-indic-siyaq-numbers
- font-noto-javanese
- font-noto-kaithi
- font-noto-kannada
- font-noto-kayah-li
- font-noto-khitan-small-script
- font-noto-khmer
- font-noto-khojki
- font-noto-lao
- font-noto-lepcha
- font-noto-limbu
- font-noto-lisu
- font-noto-makasar
- font-noto-malayalam
- font-noto-masaram-gondi
- font-noto-math
- font-noto-mayan-numerals
- font-noto-medefaidrin
- font-noto-meetei-mayek
- font-noto-mende-kikakui
- font-noto-miao
- font-noto-modi
- font-noto-mongolian
- font-noto-mro
- font-noto-music
- font-noto-myanmar
- font-noto-nag-mundari
- font-noto-nandinagari
- font-noto-naskh-arabic
- font-noto-nastaliq-urdu
- font-noto-new-tai-lue
- font-noto-newa
- font-noto-nko
- font-noto-nushu
- font-noto-nyiakeng-puachue-hmong
- font-noto-ol-chiki
- font-noto-old-uyghur
- font-noto-oriya
- font-noto-osage
- font-noto-ottoman-siyaq
- font-noto-pahawh-hmong
- font-noto-pau-cin-hau
- font-noto-rashi-hebrew
- font-noto-rejang
- font-noto-samaritan
- font-noto-saurashtra
- font-noto-sharada
- font-noto-signwriting
- font-noto-sinhala
- font-noto-sora-sompeng
- font-noto-soyombo
- font-noto-sundanese
- font-noto-syloti-nagri
- font-noto-symbols
- font-noto-syriac
- font-noto-tagbanwa
- font-noto-tai
- font-noto-tamil
- font-noto-tangsa
- font-noto-telugu
- font-noto-test
- font-noto-thaana
- font-noto-thai
- font-noto-tibetan
- font-noto-tifinagh
- font-noto-tirhuta
- font-noto-toto
- font-noto-vai
- font-noto-vithkuqi
- font-noto-wancho
- font-noto-warang-citi
- font-noto-yezidi
- font-noto-yi
- font-opensans
- font-overpass
- font-overpass-nerd
- font-roboto
- font-roboto-flex
- font-roboto-mono
- font-schumacher-misc
- font-screen-cyrillic
- font-share-tech-mono-nerd
- font-sony-misc
- font-source-code-pro-nerd
- font-space-mono-nerd
- font-sun-misc
- font-terminus-nerd
- font-tinos-nerd
- font-ubuntu-mono-nerd
- font-ubuntu-nerd
- font-victor-mono-nerd
- font-winitzki-cyrillic
- font-xfree86-type1
- fontconfig-dev
- foot
- fuzzel
- fvwm
- ghostscript
- gnome-control-center
- gnome-font-viewer
- gnome-settings-daemon
- gtk+2.0
- gtk+3.0
- gtk4.0
- gtk4.0-dev
- gtksourceview5
- i3lock-color
- imagemagick-libs
- jenkins
- kwin
- libass
- libfltk
- libgd
- libgdiplus
- libinkscape_base
- libxft
- mate-control-center
- mate-settings-daemon
- mlt
- motif
- mrxvt
- mutter
- nsxiv
- obs-studio
- openjdk7-jre
- openjdk7-jre-base
- pango
- pango-tools
- plan9port
- plasma-workspace
- plasma-workspace-libs
- podofo
- polybar
- poppler
- qt5-qtbase-x11
- qt5-qtwayland
- qt5-qtwebglplugin
- qt6-qtbase-x11
- retroarch
- ruby-mathematical
- rxvt-unicode
- scribus
- sent
- solvespace
- st
- svkbd
- sxiv
- sxmo-dmenu
- sxmo-st
- tk
- vdr
- vips
- webkit2gtk
- webkit2gtk-4.1
- webkit2gtk-6.0
- wesnoth
- weston
- weston-backend-wayland
- weston-clients
- weston-terminal
- weston-xwayland
- windowmaker
- wpewebkit
- wt
- wxwidgets-gtk3
- xdg-desktop-portal-gnome
- xdg-desktop-portal-gtk
- xfce4-settings
- xpdf
- xterm