Package details
Package | qt5-qtbase |
Version | 5.15.3_git20210406-r0 |
Description | Qt5 - QtBase components |
Project | |
License | LGPL-2.1-only AND LGPL-3.0-only AND GPL-3.0-only AND Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 |
Branch | v3.14 |
Repository | community |
Architecture | s390x |
Size | 3.7MiB |
Installed size | 10.9MiB |
Origin | qt5-qtbase |
Maintainer | Bart Ribbers |
Build time | 2021-04-09 07:31:03 |
Commit | b5cd458a488cc6694c5879a2566d700122c060e9 | Merge request | 20286 |
Git repository | Git repository |
Build log | Build log |
Contents | Contents of package |
Depends (12)
Required by (287)
- accounts-qml-module
- alligator
- amazfish
- apitrace
- appstream-qt
- attica
- audiotube
- ausweisapp2
- bitcoin-qt
- bitcoin-tests
- bluez-qt
- confclerk
- corehunt
- coreimage
- coreinfo
- corekeyboard
- corepad
- corepaint
- corepdf
- corepins
- corerenamer
- coreshot
- coretime
- coreuniverse
- cppcheck-gui
- glacier-calc
- glacier-camera
- glacier-filemuncher
- glacier-gallery
- glacier-home
- glacier-music
- glacier-pinquery
- glacier-settings
- grantlee
- gst-plugins-good-qt
- hfd-service
- jreen
- kactivities
- kactivities-libs
- kactivities-stats
- kaidan
- kairo
- kalk
- karchive
- kasts
- kasync
- kcalendarcore
- kcodecs
- kcompletion
- kconfig
- kcontacts
- kcoreaddons
- kcrash
- kdav2
- kdb
- kdb-mysql
- kdb-postgresql
- kdb-sqlite
- kdbusaddons
- kdebugsettings
- kdecoration
- kded
- kdesu
- kdiagram
- kdnssd
- kdoctools
- kdsoap
- keepassxc
- kemoticons
- keysmith
- kfilemetadata
- kglobalaccel
- kguiaddons
- kholidays
- ki18n
- kidletime
- kimageformats
- kimap2
- kirigami-addons
- kirigami-gallery
- kirigami2
- kirigami2-libs
- kitemmodels
- kitemviews
- kitinerary
- kjobwidgets
- kjs
- kjsembed
- kmime
- knotifications
- kongress
- kookbook
- kookbook-touch
- kosmindoormap
- kpackage
- kpeople
- kpeoplevcard
- kpkpass
- kplotting
- kpty
- kpublictransport
- kquickcharts
- kquickimageeditor
- krecorder
- krita
- kservice
- ktrip
- kunitconversion
- kuserfeedback
- kvantum
- kwayland
- kwayland-integration
- kwayland-server
- kweathercore
- kwidgetsaddons
- kwindowsystem
- kwrited
- layer-shell-qt
- libaccounts-qt
- libapk-qt
- libconnman-qt
- libcontacts
- libcprime
- libdbusmenu-qt
- libglacierapp
- libiodata
- libkexiv2
- libkscreen
- libmce-qt
- libmlocale
- libngf-qt
- libofono-qt
- libqaccessibilityclient
- libqca
- libqofono
- libqofonoext
- libqtolm
- libquotient
- libresourceqt
- libusb-moded-qt
- libzbarqt
- lipstick
- lipstick-tools
- maliit-framework
- mapbox-gl-native
- mapbox-gl-qml
- mapplauncherd-booster-qtcomponents
- mapplauncherd-qt
- minuet
- mirage
- mkcal
- mkcal-tools
- mkvtoolnix-gui
- mlite
- mlt
- mumble
- murmur
- nemo-keepalive
- nemo-qml-plugin-calendar
- nemo-qml-plugin-configuration
- nemo-qml-plugin-connectivity
- nemo-qml-plugin-contacts
- nemo-qml-plugin-dbus
- nemo-qml-plugin-devicelock
- nemo-qml-plugin-folderlistmodel
- nemo-qml-plugin-models
- nemo-qml-plugin-notifications
- nemo-qml-plugin-settings
- nemo-qml-plugin-statusnotifier
- nemo-qml-plugin-systemsettings
- nemo-qml-plugin-thumbnailer
- nemo-qml-plugin-time
- nheko
- nitrokey-app
- nymphcast-client
- ofono-phonesim
- openrgb
- phonon
- phonon-backend-gstreamer
- pinentry-qt
- plasma-camera
- plasma-phonebook
- poppler-qt5
- poxml
- prison
- pulseaudio-qt
- py3-pyotherside
- py3-pyside2
- py3-qt5
- qca
- qextserialport
- qgpgme
- qimgv
- qimgv-mpv
- qjson
- qml-module-clipboard
- qmlkonsole
- qmlrunner
- qmltermwidget
- qscintilla
- qt5-assistant
- qt5-qdbusviewer
- qt5-qt3d
- qt5-qtbase-dev
- qt5-qtbase-mysql
- qt5-qtbase-odbc
- qt5-qtbase-postgresql
- qt5-qtbase-sqlite
- qt5-qtbase-tds
- qt5-qtbase-x11
- qt5-qtcharts
- qt5-qtconnectivity
- qt5-qtdatavis3d
- qt5-qtdeclarative
- qt5-qtdeclarative-dev
- qt5-qtdocgallery
- qt5-qtfeedback
- qt5-qtgamepad
- qt5-qtgraphicaleffects
- qt5-qtimageformats
- qt5-qtkeychain
- qt5-qtlocation
- qt5-qtlottie
- qt5-qtmultimedia
- qt5-qtnetworkauth
- qt5-qtpim
- qt5-qtpurchasing
- qt5-qtquickcontrols
- qt5-qtquickcontrols2
- qt5-qtquicktimeline
- qt5-qtremoteobjects
- qt5-qtscript
- qt5-qtscxml
- qt5-qtsensors
- qt5-qtserialbus
- qt5-qtserialport
- qt5-qtspeech
- qt5-qtsvg
- qt5-qtsystems
- qt5-qttools
- qt5-qttools-dev
- qt5-qtusb
- qt5-qtvirtualkeyboard
- qt5-qtwayland
- qt5-qtwebchannel
- qt5-qtwebglplugin
- qt5-qtwebkit
- qt5-qtwebsockets
- qt5-qtx11extras
- qt5-qtxmlpatterns
- qtcontacts-sqlite
- qtmpris
- qtposition_gpsd
- qtquickcontrols-nemo
- quassel-client
- quassel-core
- quassel-mono
- quaternion
- quazip
- qv4l2
- qxmpp
- rattlesnake
- retroarch
- scribus
- shiboken2
- signon-plugin-oauth2
- signond
- sink
- sonnet
- sonnet-dev
- spacebar
- stellarium
- syndication
- syntax-highlighting
- telepathy-qt
- threadweaver
- timed
- tokodon
- user-managerd
- v4l-utils
- wireshark
- wkhtmltopdf
- wpa_gui
- xca
- xpdf
- yubikey-manager-qt
- yubioath-desktop