Package filter
Package Version Project Licence Branch Repository Architecture Maintainer Build date
ktoblzcheck-doc 1.55-r1 URL LGPL-2.1-or-later edge community ppc64le Sören Tempel 2024-04-12 09:59:22
ktoblzcheck-dev 1.55-r1 URL LGPL-2.1-or-later edge community ppc64le Sören Tempel 2024-04-12 09:59:22
ktoblzcheck 1.55-r1 URL LGPL-2.1-or-later edge community ppc64le Sören Tempel 2024-04-12 09:59:22
system-config-printer 1.5.18-r4 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Bart Ribbers 2024-04-12 09:59:22
system-config-printer-doc 1.5.18-r4 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Bart Ribbers 2024-04-12 09:59:22
system-config-printer-pyc 1.5.18-r4 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Bart Ribbers 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-pyrdfa3-pyc 3.6.2-r1 URL W3C-20150513 edge community ppc64le Antoine Martin (ayakael) 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-redbaron 0.9.2-r4 URL LGPL-3.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Newbyte 2024-04-12 09:59:22
targetcli-doc 2.1.58-r2 URL AGPL-3.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Natanael Copa 2024-04-12 09:59:22
targetcli-openrc 2.1.58-r2 URL AGPL-3.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Natanael Copa 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-podman 4.7.0-r1 URL Apache-2.0 edge community ppc64le Michał Polański 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-platypus-pyc 1.2.0-r2 URL GPL-3.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Iztok Fister, Jr. 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-plac 1.4.3-r1 URL BSD-2-Clause edge community ppc64le Oleg Titov 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-pip-bash-completion 24.0-r2 URL MIT edge community ppc64le fossdd 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-pep440 0.1.2-r3 URL MIT edge community ppc64le Aiden Grossman 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-pdm-backend-pyc 2.1.8-r1 URL MIT edge community ppc64le Patrycja Rosa 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-qtawesome-pyc 1.3.1-r1 URL MIT edge community ppc64le Iztok Fister, Jr. 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-qtawesome 1.3.1-r1 URL MIT edge community ppc64le Iztok Fister, Jr. 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-qt6-pyc 6.6.1-r1 URL GPL-3.0-only edge community ppc64le Rosie K Languet 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-django-widget-tweaks 1.4.12-r3 URL MIT edge community ppc64le Kaarle Ritvanen 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-django-webpack-loader-pyc 3.1.0-r1 URL MIT edge community ppc64le Antoine Martin (ayakael) 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-django-webpack-loader 3.1.0-r1 URL MIT edge community ppc64le Antoine Martin (ayakael) 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-django-treebeard-pyc 4.7.1-r1 URL Apache-2.0 edge community ppc64le Kaarle Ritvanen 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-django-taggit-lang 5.0.1-r1 URL BSD-3-Clause edge community ppc64le Will Sinatra 2024-04-12 09:59:22
trash-cli-doc URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Anjandev Momi 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-qt-material-pyc 2.14-r1 URL BSD-2-Clause edge community ppc64le Bart Ribbers 2024-04-12 09:59:22
trash-cli URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Anjandev Momi 2024-04-12 09:59:22
terminator-doc 2.1.3-r2 URL GPL-2.0 edge community ppc64le Francesco Colista 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-django-sorted-m2m 2.0.0-r4 URL BSD-3-Clause edge community ppc64le Alex Denes 2024-04-12 09:59:22
piper-pyc 0.7-r3 URL GPL-2.0-only edge community ppc64le Clayton Craft 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-pyzmq-pyc 25.1.2-r1 URL LGPL-3.0-or-later AND BSD-3-Clause edge community ppc64le Fabian Affolter 2024-04-12 09:59:22
piper-lang 0.7-r3 URL GPL-2.0-only edge community ppc64le Clayton Craft 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-wasabi 1.1.2-r2 URL MIT edge community ppc64le Oleg Titov 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-pyzmq 25.1.2-r1 URL LGPL-3.0-or-later AND BSD-3-Clause edge community ppc64le Fabian Affolter 2024-04-12 09:59:22
piper-doc 0.7-r3 URL GPL-2.0-only edge community ppc64le Clayton Craft 2024-04-12 09:59:22
thonny-lang 4.1.4-r1 URL MIT edge community ppc64le None 2024-04-12 09:59:22
thonny-pyc 4.1.4-r1 URL MIT edge community ppc64le None 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-pyzbar-pyc 0.1.9-r3 URL MIT edge community ppc64le Natanael Copa 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-pyzbar 0.1.9-r3 URL MIT edge community ppc64le Natanael Copa 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-pyzabbix-pyc 1.3.1-r1 URL LGPL-2.1-or-later edge community ppc64le Kevin Daudt 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-pyzabbix 1.3.1-r1 URL LGPL-2.1-or-later edge community ppc64le Kevin Daudt 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-rich 13.7.1-r1 URL MIT edge community ppc64le Duncan Bellamy 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-pyyaml-env-tag-pyc 0.1-r4 URL MIT edge community ppc64le David Demelier 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-txsni 0.2.0-r6 URL MIT edge community ppc64le None 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-toolz 0.12.1-r1 URL BSD-3-Clause edge community ppc64le Bart Ribbers 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-timeout-decorator 0.5.0-r4 URL MIT edge community ppc64le Bart Ribbers 2024-04-12 09:59:22
z3-dev 4.13.0-r1 URL MIT edge community ppc64le Sören Tempel 2024-04-12 09:59:22
weechat-python 4.2.2-r1 URL GPL-3.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Julien Voisin 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-time-machine 2.14.1-r1 URL MIT edge community ppc64le Celeste 2024-04-12 09:59:22
py3-tidyexc-pyc 0.10.0-r2 URL MIT edge community ppc64le Andy Hawkins 2024-04-12 09:59:22