Package filter
Package Version Project Licence Branch Repository Architecture Maintainer Build date
xprop 1.2.7-r0 URL MIT v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2024-02-08 21:13:28
xprop-doc 1.2.7-r0 URL MIT v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2024-02-08 21:13:28
cups-filters-doc 1.28.17-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later LGPL-2.1-or-later MIT v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2024-01-19 12:04:40
cups-filters-libs 1.28.17-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later LGPL-2.1-or-later MIT v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2024-01-19 12:04:40
cups-filters-dev 1.28.17-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later LGPL-2.1-or-later MIT v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2024-01-19 12:04:40
cups-filters 1.28.17-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later LGPL-2.1-or-later MIT v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2024-01-19 12:04:40
ffmpeg 5.1.4-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-later v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-11-20 16:16:08
ffmpeg-libs 5.1.4-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-later v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-11-20 16:16:08
ffmpeg-dev 5.1.4-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-later v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-11-20 16:16:08
ffmpeg-doc 5.1.4-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-later v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-11-20 16:16:08
libvpx 1.12.0-r2 URL BSD-3-Clause v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-09-28 11:13:06
libvpx-dev 1.12.0-r2 URL BSD-3-Clause v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-09-28 11:13:06
libvpx-utils 1.12.0-r2 URL BSD-3-Clause v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-09-28 11:13:06
mutt-doc 2.2.12-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-09-11 10:16:33
mutt 2.2.12-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-09-11 10:16:33
mutt-lang 2.2.12-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-09-11 10:16:33
py3-django 3.2.20-r0 URL BSD-3-Clause v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-07-03 09:37:49
libssh 0.10.5-r0 URL LGPL-2.1-or-later BSD-2-Clause v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-05-05 02:35:51
libssh-dev 0.10.5-r0 URL LGPL-2.1-or-later BSD-2-Clause v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-05-05 02:35:51
syncthing-doc 1.22.1-r4 URL MPL-2.0 v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-05-03 06:49:48
k0sctl-fish-completion 0.14.0-r6 URL Apache-2.0 v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-05-03 06:49:48
k0sctl-zsh-completion 0.14.0-r6 URL Apache-2.0 v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-05-03 06:49:48
syncthing 1.22.1-r4 URL MPL-2.0 v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-05-03 06:49:48
syncthing-openrc 1.22.1-r4 URL MPL-2.0 v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-05-03 06:49:48
k0sctl 0.14.0-r6 URL Apache-2.0 v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-05-03 06:49:48
vim-go 1.26-r7 URL BSD-3-Clause v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-05-03 06:49:48
syncthing-utils 1.22.1-r4 URL MPL-2.0 v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-05-03 06:49:48
k0sctl-bash-completion 0.14.0-r6 URL Apache-2.0 v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-05-03 06:49:48
firefox-esr 102.10.0-r0 URL GPL-3.0-only AND LGPL-2.1-only AND LGPL-3.0-only AND MPL-2.0 v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 06:27:06
imagemagick-perlmagick-doc URL ImageMagick v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-04-03 23:36:24
imagemagick-static URL ImageMagick v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-04-03 23:36:24
imagemagick URL ImageMagick v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-04-03 23:36:24
imagemagick-doc URL ImageMagick v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-04-03 23:36:24
imagemagick-perlmagick URL ImageMagick v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-04-03 23:36:24
imagemagick-dev URL ImageMagick v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-04-03 23:36:24
imagemagick-libs URL ImageMagick v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-04-03 23:36:24
imagemagick-c++ URL ImageMagick v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-04-03 23:36:24
xorg-server-dbg 21.1.8-r0 URL MIT v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-03-29 21:36:58
xorg-server-doc 21.1.8-r0 URL MIT v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-03-29 21:36:58
xorg-server-xnest 21.1.8-r0 URL MIT v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-03-29 21:36:58
xorg-server-dev 21.1.8-r0 URL MIT v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-03-29 21:36:58
xvfb 21.1.8-r0 URL MIT v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-03-29 21:36:58
xorg-server-xephyr 21.1.8-r0 URL MIT v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-03-29 21:36:58
xorg-server-common 21.1.8-r0 URL MIT v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-03-29 21:36:58
xorg-server 21.1.8-r0 URL MIT v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-03-29 21:36:58
mpv-doc 0.35.1-r1 URL GPL-2.0-or-later v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-03-11 08:30:46
mpv 0.35.1-r1 URL GPL-2.0-or-later v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-03-11 08:30:46
mpv-bash-completion 0.35.1-r1 URL GPL-2.0-or-later v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-03-11 08:30:46
mpv-zsh-completion 0.35.1-r1 URL GPL-2.0-or-later v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-03-11 08:30:46
mpv-libs 0.35.1-r1 URL GPL-2.0-or-later v3.17 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2023-03-11 08:30:46