Package filter
Package Version Project License Branch Repository Architecture Maintainer Build date
py3-pytest-cov 2.12.1-r1 URL MIT v3.16 community x86_64 TBK 2021-12-15 19:17:59
py3-coveralls 2.2.0-r2 URL MIT v3.16 community x86_64 None 2021-12-15 19:17:59
py3-pymeeus 0.5.11-r1 URL LGPL-3.0-or-later v3.16 community x86_64 Bart Ribbers 2021-12-15 19:17:59
py3-betamax 0.8.1-r3 URL Apache-2.0 v3.16 community x86_64 Kevin Daudt 2021-12-15 19:17:59
py3-django-contact-form 1.9-r1 URL BSD-3-Clause v3.16 community x86_64 Kaarle Ritvanen 2021-12-15 19:17:59
py3-contextlib2 21.6.0-r2 URL PSF-2.0 AND Apache-2.0 v3.16 community x86_64 None 2021-12-15 19:17:59
py3-multi-key-dict 2.0.3-r3 URL MIT v3.16 community x86_64 Bart Ribbers 2021-12-15 19:17:59
xrdesktop-dev 0.15.2-r2 URL MIT AND CC-BY-SA-4.0 v3.16 community x86_64 Bart Ribbers 2021-12-15 19:17:59
py3-ethtool-doc 0.14-r6 URL GPL-2.0-only v3.16 community x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2021-12-15 19:17:59
py3-verboselogs 1.7-r1 URL MIT v3.16 community x86_64 Duncan Bellamy 2021-12-15 19:17:59
py3-colorclass 2.2.2-r1 URL MIT v3.16 community x86_64 Duncan Bellamy 2021-12-15 19:17:59
py3-ethtool 0.14-r6 URL GPL-2.0-only v3.16 community x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2021-12-15 19:17:59
py3-yoyo-migrations 6.1.0-r3 URL Apache-2.0 v3.16 community x86_64 Rasmus Thomsen 2021-12-15 19:17:59
py3-baron 0.9-r1 URL LGPL-3.0-or-later v3.16 community x86_64 Newbyte 2021-12-15 19:17:58
py3-petact 0.1.2-r2 URL MIT v3.16 community x86_64 Bart Ribbers 2021-12-15 19:17:58
py3-pyzabbix 1.0.0-r1 URL LGPL-2.1-or-later v3.16 community x86_64 Kevin Daudt 2021-12-15 19:17:58
py3-sphinx-copybutton 0.4.0-r1 URL MIT v3.16 community x86_64 messense 2021-12-15 19:17:58
py3-pyhamcrest 2.0.2-r2 URL BSD-3-Clause v3.16 community x86_64 prspkt 2021-12-15 19:17:58
gom 0.4-r3 URL LGPL-2.1-or-later v3.16 community x86_64 Rasmus Thomsen 2021-12-15 19:17:58
py3-gatt 0.2.6-r1 URL MIT v3.16 community x86_64 Martijn Braam 2021-12-15 19:17:58
py3-oauth2 1.9.0-r4 URL MIT v3.16 community x86_64 Fabian Affolter 2021-12-15 19:17:58
py3-pytest-trio 0.7.0-r2 URL MIT OR Apache-2.0 v3.16 community x86_64 Bart Ribbers 2021-12-15 19:17:58
py3-asn1-modules 0.2.8-r2 URL BSD-2-Clause v3.16 community x86_64 Fabian Affolter 2021-12-15 19:17:58
py3-argh 0.26.2-r7 URL LGPL-3.0-or-later v3.16 community x86_64 Fabian Affolter 2021-12-15 19:17:58
py3-pykka 3.0.1-r1 URL Apache-2.0 v3.16 community x86_64 Bart Ribbers 2021-12-15 19:17:58
gom-dev 0.4-r3 URL LGPL-2.1-or-later v3.16 community x86_64 Rasmus Thomsen 2021-12-15 19:17:58
py3-doctest-ignore-unicode 0.1.2-r2 URL Apache-2.0 v3.16 community x86_64 Luca Weiss 2021-12-15 19:17:58
py3-padaos 0.1.10-r3 URL MIT v3.16 community x86_64 Bart Ribbers 2021-12-15 19:17:58
py3-roman 3.3-r2 URL Python-2.0 v3.16 community x86_64 Matt Smith 2021-12-15 19:17:58
py3-blessed 1.19.0-r1 URL MIT v3.16 community x86_64 None 2021-12-15 19:17:58
py3-zope-interface 5.4.0-r1 URL ZPL-2.1 v3.16 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2021-12-15 19:17:57
py3-genty 1.3.2-r2 URL Apache-2.0 v3.16 community x86_64 Bart Ribbers 2021-12-15 19:17:57
py3-cssselect 1.1.0-r3 URL BSD-3-Clause v3.16 community x86_64 prspkt 2021-12-15 19:17:57
py3-pocketsphinx 0.1.15-r3 URL BSD-2-Clause v3.16 community x86_64 Bart Ribbers 2021-12-15 19:17:57
py3-capturer 3.0-r1 URL MIT v3.16 community x86_64 Duncan Bellamy 2021-12-15 19:17:57
py3-blessings 1.7-r7 URL MIT v3.16 community x86_64 Fabian Affolter 2021-12-15 19:17:57
py3-iniherit 0.3.9-r4 URL MIT v3.16 community x86_64 Rasmus Thomsen 2021-12-15 19:17:57
py3-ndg_httpsclient 0.5.1-r3 URL BSD-2-Clause v3.16 community x86_64 prspkt 2021-12-15 19:17:57
py3-progress 1.6-r1 URL ISC v3.16 community x86_64 None 2021-12-15 19:17:57
py3-hyperlink 21.0.0-r2 URL MIT v3.16 community x86_64 prspkt 2021-12-15 19:17:57
py3-padatious 0.4.8-r3 URL Apache-2.0 v3.16 community x86_64 Bart Ribbers 2021-12-15 19:17:57
py3-shlib 1.4-r1 URL GPL-3.0-or-later v3.16 community x86_64 Andy Hawkins 2021-12-15 19:17:57
libzbar 0.23.90-r2 URL LGPL-2.0-or-later v3.16 community x86_64 Diego Queiroz 2021-12-15 19:17:56
py3-urlgrabber 4.1.0-r3 URL LGPL-2.0-or-later v3.16 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2021-12-15 19:17:56
py3-urlgrabber-doc 4.1.0-r3 URL LGPL-2.0-or-later v3.16 community x86_64 Natanael Copa 2021-12-15 19:17:56
libzbarqt 0.23.90-r2 URL LGPL-2.0-or-later v3.16 community x86_64 Diego Queiroz 2021-12-15 19:17:56
libimobiledevice 1.3.0-r3 URL LGPL-2.1-or-later v3.16 community x86_64 Francesco Colista 2021-12-15 19:17:56
py3-gitdb2 4.0.7-r1 URL BSD-3-Clause v3.16 community x86_64 None 2021-12-15 19:17:56
zbar 0.23.90-r2 URL LGPL-2.0-or-later v3.16 community x86_64 Diego Queiroz 2021-12-15 19:17:56
py3-mypy-extensions 0.4.3-r2 URL MIT v3.16 community x86_64 Justin Berthault 2021-12-15 19:17:56