Package filter
Package Version Project Licence Branch Repository Architecture Maintainer Build date
perl-test-requiresinternet 0.05-r2 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-symbol-global-name 0.05-r2 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-email-address-list-doc 0.06-r1 URL GPL+ or Artistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-parse-recdescent-doc 1.967015-r2 URL Artistic-Perl-1.0 GPL+ v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-email-address-list 0.06-r1 URL GPL+ or Artistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-data-page-doc 2.03-r1 URL Artistic-1.0-Perl GPL-1.0-or-later v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-mail-domainkeys 1.0-r3 URL Artistic-Perl-1.0 GPL+ v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-crypt-openssl-rsa-doc 0.31-r4 URL Perl Artistic GPL v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-netaddr-ip 4.079-r4 URL GPL-2.0 and Artistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-dbd-sqlite 1.64-r2 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-dbd-sqlite-doc 1.64-r2 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-mail-domainkeys-doc 1.0-r3 URL Artistic-Perl-1.0 GPL+ v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-css-minifier-xs-doc 0.09-r6 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-digest-sha1 2.13-r12 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-net-libidn 0.12-r8 URL Artistic-Perl-1.0 GPL+ v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-digest-md5-doc 2.55-r5 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-business-hours 0.13-r1 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-unix-syslog 1.1-r14 URL Artistic-2.0 v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-javascript-minifier-xs-doc 0.11-r6 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-db 0.63-r2 URL GPL-1.0-or-later OR Artistic-1.0-Perl v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-convert-binhex-doc 1.125-r2 URL Artistic-1.0 GPL+ v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-scope-upper-doc 0.32-r2 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-module-refresh-doc 0.17-r2 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-business-hours-doc 0.13-r1 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-test-requiresinternet-doc 0.05-r2 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-test-mocktime-doc 0.17-r1 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-dbix-searchbuilder 1.67-r2 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-mail-spf 2.9.0-r3 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-crypt-eksblowfish-doc 0.009-r7 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-compress-raw-zlib 2.093-r1 URL GPL-1.0-or-later OR Artistic-1.0-Perl v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-mime-tools 5.509-r2 URL PerlArtistic GPL v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-html-formattext-withlinks-andtables-doc 0.07-r1 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-dbd-sqlite-dev 1.64-r2 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-netaddr-ip-doc 4.079-r4 URL GPL-2.0 and Artistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-crypt-openssl-random 0.15-r4 URL Artistic-1.0 GPL+ v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-test-pod 1.52-r1 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-role-basic-doc 0.13-r1 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-crypt-openssl-random-doc 0.15-r4 URL Artistic-1.0 GPL+ v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-data-guid-doc 0.049-r1 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-getopt-long 2.51-r1 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-crypt-eksblowfish 0.009-r7 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-set-intspan-doc 1.19-r2 URL GPL-1.0-or-later OR Artistic-1.0-Perl v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-crypt-openssl-guess 0.11-r1 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-net-server-doc 2.009-r2 URL Artistic-1.0 GPL+ v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-convert-tnef-doc 0.18-r2 URL Artistic-Perl-1.0 GPL+ v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-string-shellquote 1.04-r1 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-parse-recdescent 1.967015-r2 URL Artistic-Perl-1.0 GPL+ v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-test-mocktime 0.17-r1 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-module-refresh 0.17-r2 URL GPL PerlArtistic v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45
perl-crypt-openssl-rsa 0.31-r4 URL Perl Artistic GPL v3.12 main x86_64 Leonardo Arena 2020-02-01 23:09:45