Package filter
Package Version Project Licence Branch Repository Architecture Maintainer Build date
openjdk8 8.422.05-r0 URL custom edge community x86_64 Timo Teras 2024-09-27 10:13:05
openjdk8-dbg 8.422.05-r0 URL custom edge community x86_64 Timo Teras 2024-09-27 10:13:05
openjdk8-demos 8.422.05-r0 URL custom edge community x86_64 Timo Teras 2024-09-27 10:13:05
openjdk8-doc 8.422.05-r0 URL custom edge community x86_64 Timo Teras 2024-09-27 10:13:05
openjdk8-jdk 8.422.05-r0 URL custom edge community x86_64 Timo Teras 2024-09-27 10:13:05
openjdk8-jre 8.422.05-r0 URL custom edge community x86_64 Timo Teras 2024-09-27 10:13:05
openjdk8-jre-base 8.422.05-r0 URL custom edge community x86_64 Timo Teras 2024-09-27 10:13:05
openjdk8-jre-lib 8.422.05-r0 URL custom edge community x86_64 Timo Teras 2024-09-27 10:13:05
openjdk8-corretto 8.422.05.1-r0 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH Classpath-exception-2.0 edge community x86_64 Celeste 2024-09-10 03:20:26
openjdk8-corretto-demos 8.422.05.1-r0 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH Classpath-exception-2.0 edge community x86_64 Celeste 2024-09-10 03:20:26
openjdk8-corretto-doc 8.422.05.1-r0 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH Classpath-exception-2.0 edge community x86_64 Celeste 2024-09-10 03:20:26
openjdk8-corretto-jdk 8.422.05.1-r0 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH Classpath-exception-2.0 edge community x86_64 Celeste 2024-09-10 03:20:26
openjdk8-corretto-jre 8.422.05.1-r0 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH Classpath-exception-2.0 edge community x86_64 Celeste 2024-09-10 03:20:26
openjdk8-corretto-jre-base 8.422.05.1-r0 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH Classpath-exception-2.0 edge community x86_64 Celeste 2024-09-10 03:20:26
openjdk8-corretto-jre-lib 8.422.05.1-r0 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH Classpath-exception-2.0 edge community x86_64 Celeste 2024-09-10 03:20:26