Package filter
Package Version Project Licence Branch Repository Architecture Maintainer Build date
libpcre16 8.45-r3 URL BSD-3-Clause edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
apache-mod-fcgid 2.3.9-r5 URL Apache-2.0 edge main x86 Fabian Affolter 2023-04-11 16:01:21
lua5.1-socket 3.1.0-r1 URL MIT edge main x86 Mika Havela 2023-04-11 16:01:21
lua5.4-bit32 5.3.0-r5 URL MIT edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
patchutils 0.4.2-r2 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
lua5.4-hashids 1.0.6-r4 URL MIT edge main x86 Carlo Landmeter 2023-04-11 16:01:21
bison 3.8.2-r1 URL GPL-3.0-or-later edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
cksfv-doc 1.3.15-r3 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge main x86 Carlo Landmeter 2023-04-11 16:01:21
lua5.1-cjson 2.1.0-r11 URL MIT edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
sed-doc 4.9-r2 URL GPL-3.0-or-later edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
lsyncd-doc 2.3.1-r1 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
libnetfilter_acct 1.0.3-r3 URL LGPL-2.1-or-later edge main x86 Leonardo Arena 2023-04-11 16:01:21
lua5.3-rex-pcre2 2.9.1-r3 URL MIT edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
apcupsd-openrc 3.14.14-r6 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
lua5.4-rex-pcre2 2.9.1-r3 URL MIT edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
lua5.3-discount URL custom edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
lua5.2-discount URL custom edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
gsm-doc 1.0.22-r3 URL TU-Berlin-2.0 edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
mailx 8.1.2_git20220412-r1 URL BSD-4-Clause-UC edge main x86 Michael Mason 2023-04-11 16:01:21
sshfs-doc 3.7.3-r1 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
liblognorm-dev 2.0.6-r5 URL LGPL-2.1-or-later AND Apache-2.0 edge main x86 Jakub Jirutka 2023-04-11 16:01:21
openntpd 6.8_p1-r9 URL ISC edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
geoip 1.6.12-r5 URL LGPL-2.1-or-later edge main x86 Leonardo Arena 2023-04-11 16:01:21
librsync 2.3.4-r1 URL LGPL-2.1-or-later edge main x86 Jeremy Thomerson 2023-04-11 16:01:21
lua5.1-curl 0.3.13-r1 URL MIT edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
sysklogd 1.5.1-r5 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
lua5.2-rex-pcre2 2.9.1-r3 URL MIT edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
lua5.3-maxminddb 0.1-r4 URL MIT edge main x86 Timo Teräs 2023-04-11 16:01:21
lua5.1-rex-pcre2 2.9.1-r3 URL MIT edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
libnetfilter_log-dev 1.0.2-r2 URL GPL-2.0-only edge main x86 Carlo Landmeter 2023-04-11 16:01:21
unzip-doc 6.0-r14 URL custom edge main x86 Timo Teräs 2023-04-11 16:01:21
logrotate 3.21.0-r1 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
crconf 0_pre2-r3 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge main x86 Timo Teräs 2023-04-11 16:01:21
lua5.2-hashids 1.0.6-r4 URL MIT edge main x86 Carlo Landmeter 2023-04-11 16:01:21
lua-pc 1.0.0-r12 URL MIT edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
rpcbind 1.2.6-r2 URL BSD-3-Clause edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
apr-util 1.6.3-r1 URL Apache-2.0 edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
cgdb 0.8.0-r2 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
b43-fwcutter-doc 019-r3 URL BSD-2-Clause edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
vanessa_logger 0.0.10-r3 URL LGPL-2.0-or-later edge main x86 Leonardo Arena 2023-04-11 16:01:21
ncftp-bookmarks 3.2.6-r6 URL ClArtistic edge main x86 Carlo Landmeter 2023-04-11 16:01:21
lua-md5 1.3-r2 URL MIT edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
cgit 1.2.3-r5 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
hostapd-openrc 2.10-r6 URL BSD-3-Clause edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
openobex-doc 1.7.2-r5 URL GPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-later edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
igmpproxy 0.4-r1 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge main x86 Natanael Copa 2023-04-11 16:01:21
libotr-dev 4.1.1-r5 URL LGPL-2.1-only edge main x86 Sheila Aman 2023-04-11 16:01:21
libverto 0.3.2-r2 URL MIT edge main x86 Francesco Colista 2023-04-11 16:01:21
ncftp-doc 3.2.6-r6 URL ClArtistic edge main x86 Carlo Landmeter 2023-04-11 16:01:21
vanessa_socket-dev 0.0.13-r2 URL LGPL-2.0-or-later edge main x86 Leonardo Arena 2023-04-11 16:01:21