Package filter
Package Version Project Licence Branch Repository Architecture Maintainer Build date
galculator-doc 2.1.4-r1 URL GPL-2.0-or-later v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-12 06:57:08
raptor2 2.0.15-r3 URL GPL v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-11 15:44:38
raptor2-dev 2.0.15-r3 URL GPL v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-11 15:44:38
raptor2-doc 2.0.15-r3 URL GPL v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-11 15:44:38
ipmitool 1.8.18-r9 URL MIT v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-11 07:24:51
ipmitool-doc 1.8.18-r9 URL MIT v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-11 07:24:51
ipmitool-openrc 1.8.18-r9 URL MIT v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-11 07:24:51
openipmi-libs 2.0.30-r0 URL LGPL-2.0-or-later and GPL-2.0-or-later or BSD-3-Clause v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-11 06:48:45
openipmi-doc 2.0.30-r0 URL LGPL-2.0-or-later and GPL-2.0-or-later or BSD-3-Clause v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-11 06:48:45
openipmi-lanserv 2.0.30-r0 URL LGPL-2.0-or-later and GPL-2.0-or-later or BSD-3-Clause v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-11 06:48:45
openipmi-dev 2.0.30-r0 URL LGPL-2.0-or-later and GPL-2.0-or-later or BSD-3-Clause v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-11 06:48:45
openipmi 2.0.30-r0 URL LGPL-2.0-or-later and GPL-2.0-or-later or BSD-3-Clause v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-11 06:48:45
enca-dev 1.19-r2 URL GPL-2.0-only v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-11 04:01:25
enca-doc 1.19-r2 URL GPL-2.0-only v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-11 04:01:25
enca 1.19-r2 URL GPL-2.0-only v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-11 04:01:25
rgb 1.0.6-r2 URL MIT v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-10 13:36:50
rgb-doc 1.0.6-r2 URL MIT v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-10 13:36:50
ragel-doc 6.10-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-10 13:36:36
ragel 6.10-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-10 13:36:36
mp3splt-gtk-doc 0.9.2-r2 URL GPL-2.0-or-later v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-10 11:17:02
mp3splt-gtk 0.9.2-r2 URL GPL-2.0-or-later v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-10 11:17:02
mp3splt-gtk-lang 0.9.2-r2 URL GPL-2.0-or-later v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-10 11:17:02
iw-doc 5.9-r0 URL ISC v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-10 09:18:15
cpufrequtils-dev 008-r4 URL GPL-2.0 v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-10 09:18:15
cpufrequtils 008-r4 URL GPL-2.0 v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-10 09:18:15
cpufrequtils-doc 008-r4 URL GPL-2.0 v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-10 09:18:15
avfs-dev 1.1.3-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-10 09:18:15
libva-glx-dev 2.10.0-r0 URL MIT v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-10 09:18:15
iw 5.9-r0 URL ISC v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-10 09:18:15
gnupg1 1.4.23-r2 URL GPL-3.0-or-later v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-10 09:18:15
avfs 1.1.3-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-10 09:18:15
mtdev 1.1.6-r0 URL MIT v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-10 09:18:15
mtdev-dev 1.1.6-r0 URL MIT v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-10 09:18:15
gnupg1-doc 1.4.23-r2 URL GPL-3.0-or-later v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-10 09:18:15
libva-glx 2.10.0-r0 URL MIT v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-10 09:18:15
slibtool 0.5.28-r0 URL MIT v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-10 09:18:15
py3-logbook 1.5.3-r1 URL BSD-3-Clause v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-09 11:55:04
slony1-openrc 2.2.10-r0 URL PostgreSQL v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-07 20:44:37
slony1 2.2.10-r0 URL PostgreSQL v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-07 20:44:37
poppler-qt5-dev 20.12.1-r0 URL GPL-2.0-only v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-07 05:45:47
poppler-qt5 20.12.1-r0 URL GPL-2.0-only v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-07 05:45:47
x265-dev 3.4-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-06 07:46:58
x265 3.4-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-06 07:46:58
x265-libs 3.4-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-06 07:46:58
xprop-doc 1.2.5-r0 URL MIT v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-06 06:20:57
xprop 1.2.5-r0 URL MIT v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-06 06:20:57
inkscape-lang 1.0.1-r3 URL GPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-later v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-02 22:49:42
inkscape-doc 1.0.1-r3 URL GPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-later v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-02 22:49:42
inkscape 1.0.1-r3 URL GPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-later v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-02 22:49:42
inkscape-view 1.0.1-r3 URL GPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-later v3.13 community s390x Natanael Copa 2020-12-02 22:49:42