Package filter
Package Version Project Licence Branch Repository Architecture Maintainer Build date
nihtest-pyc 1.5.1-r2 URL BSD-3-Clause edge community ppc64le Celeste 2024-04-23 06:46:22
nihtest-doc 1.5.1-r2 URL BSD-3-Clause edge community ppc64le Celeste 2024-04-23 06:46:22
nihtest 1.5.1-r2 URL BSD-3-Clause edge community ppc64le Celeste 2024-04-23 06:46:22
perl-json-path-doc 1.0.5-r0 URL GPL-1.0-or-later OR Artistic-1.0-Perl edge testing ppc64le Celeste 2024-04-23 06:05:13
perl-json-path 1.0.5-r0 URL GPL-1.0-or-later OR Artistic-1.0-Perl edge testing ppc64le Celeste 2024-04-23 06:05:13
apt 2.9.2-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Celeste 2024-04-23 05:15:25
apt-libs 2.9.2-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Celeste 2024-04-23 05:15:25
apt-dev 2.9.2-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Celeste 2024-04-23 05:15:25
pdns-recursor-openrc 5.0.3-r2 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge community ppc64le Peter van Dijk 2024-04-22 21:52:43
pdns-recursor-doc 5.0.3-r2 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge community ppc64le Peter van Dijk 2024-04-22 21:52:43
pdns-recursor-common 5.0.3-r2 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge community ppc64le Peter van Dijk 2024-04-22 21:52:43
pdns-recursor 5.0.3-r2 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge community ppc64le Peter van Dijk 2024-04-22 21:52:43
pdns-backend-pgsql 4.9.0-r3 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge community ppc64le Peter van Dijk 2024-04-22 21:52:43
pdns-backend-odbc 4.9.0-r3 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge community ppc64le Peter van Dijk 2024-04-22 21:52:43
pdns-backend-mariadb 4.9.0-r3 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge community ppc64le Peter van Dijk 2024-04-22 21:52:43
pdns 4.9.0-r3 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge community ppc64le Peter van Dijk 2024-04-22 21:52:43
pdns-backend-bind 4.9.0-r3 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge community ppc64le Peter van Dijk 2024-04-22 21:52:43
pdns-backend-geoip 4.9.0-r3 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge community ppc64le Peter van Dijk 2024-04-22 21:52:43
pdns-backend-ldap 4.9.0-r3 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge community ppc64le Peter van Dijk 2024-04-22 21:52:43
pdns-backend-mysql 4.9.0-r3 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge community ppc64le Peter van Dijk 2024-04-22 21:52:43
pdns-backend-pipe 4.9.0-r3 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge community ppc64le Peter van Dijk 2024-04-22 21:52:43
pdns-backend-remote 4.9.0-r3 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge community ppc64le Peter van Dijk 2024-04-22 21:52:43
pdns-openrc 4.9.0-r3 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge community ppc64le Peter van Dijk 2024-04-22 21:52:43
pdns-backend-sqlite3 4.9.0-r3 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge community ppc64le Peter van Dijk 2024-04-22 21:52:43
pdns-doc 4.9.0-r3 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge community ppc64le Peter van Dijk 2024-04-22 21:52:43
pdns-backend-lmdb 4.9.0-r3 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge community ppc64le Peter van Dijk 2024-04-22 21:52:43
pdns-tools 4.9.0-r3 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge community ppc64le Peter van Dijk 2024-04-22 21:52:43
pdns-backend-lua2 4.9.0-r3 URL GPL-2.0-only WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge community ppc64le Peter van Dijk 2024-04-22 21:52:43
ibus-libpinyin-lang 1.15.7-r0 URL GPL-3.0-only edge community ppc64le Ziyao 2024-04-22 20:43:49
ibus-libpinyin 1.15.7-r0 URL GPL-3.0-only edge community ppc64le Ziyao 2024-04-22 20:43:49
podman-docker 4.9.4-r0 URL Apache-2.0 edge community ppc64le Michał Polański 2024-04-22 19:07:15
podman-docker-doc 4.9.4-r0 URL Apache-2.0 edge community ppc64le Michał Polański 2024-04-22 19:07:15
podman-zsh-completion 4.9.4-r0 URL Apache-2.0 edge community ppc64le Michał Polański 2024-04-22 19:07:15
podman-remote 4.9.4-r0 URL Apache-2.0 edge community ppc64le Michał Polański 2024-04-22 19:07:15
podman-openrc 4.9.4-r0 URL Apache-2.0 edge community ppc64le Michał Polański 2024-04-22 19:07:15
podman-fish-completion 4.9.4-r0 URL Apache-2.0 edge community ppc64le Michał Polański 2024-04-22 19:07:15
podman-doc 4.9.4-r0 URL Apache-2.0 edge community ppc64le Michał Polański 2024-04-22 19:07:15
podman-bash-completion 4.9.4-r0 URL Apache-2.0 edge community ppc64le Michał Polański 2024-04-22 19:07:15
podman 4.9.4-r0 URL Apache-2.0 edge community ppc64le Michał Polański 2024-04-22 19:07:15
loupe-lang 46.2-r0 URL GPL-3.0-or-later edge community ppc64le team/gnome 2024-04-22 18:38:05
loupe 46.2-r0 URL GPL-3.0-or-later edge community ppc64le team/gnome 2024-04-22 18:38:05
gnome-maps-lang 46.10-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le team/gnome 2024-04-22 18:24:54
gnome-maps 46.10-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le team/gnome 2024-04-22 18:24:54
libshumate-lang 1.2.0-r1 URL LGPL-2.1-or-later edge community ppc64le team/gnome 2024-04-22 18:21:59
libshumate-dev 1.2.0-r1 URL LGPL-2.1-or-later edge community ppc64le team/gnome 2024-04-22 18:21:59
libshumate 1.2.0-r1 URL LGPL-2.1-or-later edge community ppc64le team/gnome 2024-04-22 18:21:59
shadowsocks-rust-ssurl 1.18.3-r0 URL MIT edge community ppc64le Celeste 2024-04-22 18:18:17
shadowsocks-rust-ssservice 1.18.3-r0 URL MIT edge community ppc64le Celeste 2024-04-22 18:18:17
shadowsocks-rust-ssserver 1.18.3-r0 URL MIT edge community ppc64le Celeste 2024-04-22 18:18:17
shadowsocks-rust-ssmanager 1.18.3-r0 URL MIT edge community ppc64le Celeste 2024-04-22 18:18:17