Package filter
Package Version Project Licence Branch Repository Architecture Maintainer Build date
kondo-bash-completion 0.8-r0 URL MIT edge testing ppc64le Michał Polański 2023-12-20 22:43:17
kondo 0.8-r0 URL MIT edge testing ppc64le Michał Polański 2023-12-20 22:43:17
traceroute 2.1.5-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le John Vogel 2023-12-20 19:59:23
traceroute-doc 2.1.5-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le John Vogel 2023-12-20 19:59:23
aspell-dev URL LGPL-2.1-or-later edge main ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-20 19:24:47
aspell-utils URL LGPL-2.1-or-later edge main ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-20 19:24:47
aspell-libs URL LGPL-2.1-or-later edge main ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-20 19:24:47
aspell-lang URL LGPL-2.1-or-later edge main ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-20 19:24:47
aspell-doc URL LGPL-2.1-or-later edge main ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-20 19:24:47
aspell-compat URL LGPL-2.1-or-later edge main ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-20 19:24:47
aspell URL LGPL-2.1-or-later edge main ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-20 19:24:47
linuxptp 4.2-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge testing ppc64le None 2023-12-20 18:53:21
linuxptp-pmc 4.2-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge testing ppc64le None 2023-12-20 18:53:21
linuxptp-ptp4l 4.2-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge testing ppc64le None 2023-12-20 18:53:21
linuxptp-timemaster 4.2-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge testing ppc64le None 2023-12-20 18:53:21
linuxptp-ts2phc 4.2-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge testing ppc64le None 2023-12-20 18:53:21
linuxptp-tz2alt 4.2-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge testing ppc64le None 2023-12-20 18:53:21
linuxptp-phc_ctl 4.2-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge testing ppc64le None 2023-12-20 18:53:21
linuxptp-phc2sys 4.2-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge testing ppc64le None 2023-12-20 18:53:21
linuxptp-nsm 4.2-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge testing ppc64le None 2023-12-20 18:53:21
linuxptp-hwstamp_ctl 4.2-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge testing ppc64le None 2023-12-20 18:53:21
linuxptp-doc 4.2-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge testing ppc64le None 2023-12-20 18:53:21
perl-app-speedtest-doc 0.29-r0 URL GPL-1.0-or-later OR Artistic-1.0-Perl edge community ppc64le Milan P. Stanić 2023-12-20 18:14:50
perl-app-speedtest 0.29-r0 URL GPL-1.0-or-later OR Artistic-1.0-Perl edge community ppc64le Milan P. Stanić 2023-12-20 18:14:50
php82-pecl-apfd 1.0.3-r0 URL BSD-2-Clause edge testing ppc64le Andy Postnikov 2023-12-20 16:45:12
php83-pecl-apfd 1.0.3-r0 URL BSD-2-Clause edge testing ppc64le Andy Postnikov 2023-12-20 16:45:12
php83-pecl-ds 1.5.0-r0 URL MIT edge community ppc64le Andy Postnikov 2023-12-20 16:07:09
php82-pecl-ds 1.5.0-r0 URL MIT edge community ppc64le Andy Postnikov 2023-12-20 16:07:09
gnome-authenticator-lang 4.4.0-r1 URL GPL-3.0-only edge community ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-20 10:17:21
gnome-authenticator-dbg 4.4.0-r1 URL GPL-3.0-only edge community ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-20 10:17:21
gnome-authenticator 4.4.0-r1 URL GPL-3.0-only edge community ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-20 10:17:21
sushi 45.0-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-20 07:33:36
sushi-lang 45.0-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-20 07:33:36
libraw 0.21.2-r0 URL CDDL-1.0 OR LGPL-2.1-only edge community ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-20 07:30:22
libraw-tools 0.21.2-r0 URL CDDL-1.0 OR LGPL-2.1-only edge community ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-20 07:30:22
libraw-dev 0.21.2-r0 URL CDDL-1.0 OR LGPL-2.1-only edge community ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-20 07:30:22
lottieconverter-doc 0.2_git20231219-r0 URL BSD-3-Clause edge testing ppc64le Matthias Ahouansou 2023-12-19 22:22:35
lottieconverter 0.2_git20231219-r0 URL BSD-3-Clause edge testing ppc64le Matthias Ahouansou 2023-12-19 22:22:35
rhythmbox 3.4.7-r2 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-19 16:20:16
rhythmbox-doc 3.4.7-r2 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-19 16:20:16
rhythmbox-python 3.4.7-r2 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-19 16:20:16
rhythmbox-dev 3.4.7-r2 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-19 16:20:16
rhythmbox-lang 3.4.7-r2 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-19 16:20:16
file-roller-nautilus 43.1-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-19 16:02:24
file-roller-lang 43.1-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-19 16:02:24
file-roller-doc 43.1-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-19 16:02:24
file-roller 43.1-r0 URL GPL-2.0-or-later edge community ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-19 16:02:24
watchmate 0.5.1-r1 URL GPL-3.0-only edge testing ppc64le Siva Mahadevan 2023-12-19 15:47:03
monit-doc 5.33.0-r3 URL AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge main ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-19 14:30:55
monit 5.33.0-r3 URL AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH OpenSSL-Exception edge main ppc64le Natanael Copa 2023-12-19 14:30:55